Entries by J. Anasilan

Before I Gave my Life..

Before my entire purpose on this earth became a servant to everyone else, who was I? Before I learned how to please others in order to have peace and before I became the wingman to the reckless wrongs others choose to live inside of, what did I want to do and what did I want […]


We live in societies that value the family unit above all things. And yet we see the brokenness of those family units in virtually everything that pains the world today. War on the exterior is often a manifestation of what plagues us in our interiors. And yet, we stay true to and stay grounded with […]

Gifts for the Good

Today, I realize why I’ve fallen out of love with everything that I have ever loved. Money. It’s the root of all evil because it destroys the root of childlike dreams. Once upon a time we all did things for love. We gave our time to others because we enjoyed playing with other kids. We […]

Three Wealthy Men

Last night I ran to wal-mart on a whim to collect a few cups of yogurt before they closed. By “before they close” I literally was walking in as the security guard was placing his key in the lock of the front sliding window doors. I ran as I could to attempt to be a […]